Thursday, March 20, 2014

Poor Palestinians

Palestinians are perpetual fake refugees with a fake history, used as pawns in Islam’s jihad against others – particularly Jews.

History:  There has never been a country called Palestine.   Judea was the land of the Jews until conquered by the Romans and renamed after the Jews' enemy – the Philistines (who were NOT Arabs) – ie Palestine.    Despite many occupiers, including more recently the Turks, Jordan (West Bank) and Egypt (Gaza), there has never been a sovereign state of Palestine, and Jerusalem was not the capital of any empire since King David. 

Historical records show a continual Jewish presence in the land.
‘Palestinians’ are not a distinct people, but included Jews, Christians, Arab Muslims and others.

The land of Israel in particular was largely empty of people and was inhospitable wasteland with malarial swamps.
As well as the indigenous Jewish population, Jews began to immigrate into the area, bought land and set up businesses and farms.   

Arabs entered in growing numbers to find work in growing Jewish businesses.   However, Arabs also entered and began attacks on Jews (particularly in the 1920s, 1930s killing and wounding hundreds, as they feared a Jewish homeland being formed (and supported Hitler).

Poor Palestinian

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